Tuesday 18 October 2011

Making law and criminal evidence

More views of - or after - Cambridge Film Festival 2011
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19 October

A year or more ago, Professor Michael Zander gave a talk on the subject of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (affectionately known as PACE).

The title was PACE: Past, Present, and Future: Professor Zander's thrust was more on how PACE (and its various subordinate Codes) had come to be revised, than on the need for and initial implementation of the legislation, or any requirements to do so in the future.

In the session afterwards, I asked him this question:

In the light of the various apparently wry observations in your most informative talk, and of your status as an author on parliamentary procedure, what confidence do you think that we can - or should - have in the processes of legislation's being made, reviewed or amended?

What indeed?!

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