Monday 26 September 2011

Unknown dimensions of the soul

More views of - or at - Cambridge Film Festival 2011
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26 September

Some of the best things arise quite naturally, such as the interest that there has been in the last week in my postings regarding Dimensions: saying which, I still feel quite sickened by the last review that has appeared on the official Festival web-site (on the page for the film), because it goes beyond what I think suitable bounds, by suggesting that other reviewers had improper thoughts or motives for (or behind) what they wrote.

If you want, please see for yourself at:

NB For the avoidance of doubt, I am providing this link just so that others can judge whether they think that this is a fair piece of criticism (and not to pillory the person who reviewed the film in any way).

Whatever your own opinion may be, it would be interesting if, assuming that you take a look, you posted a comment on this page for me (or others) to read - for one reason, there is no scope no for putting any other reviews on the Festival web-site, and I'm not sure where would be best to make a comment on

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