Thursday 5 January 2012

Early Woody and Mere Anarchy (3)

More views of - or after - Cambridge Film Festival 2011
(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)

6 January

I am beginning to realize that the theme of Fool's Gold seems to link almost everything in this collection:

* A man offered levitation and special powers by crooks

* An actor who doesn't know his own status, duped into taking a poor part in a film

* The 2.6-pound white truffle that everyone wants is a fake

* The director who so believes his yes-men that he tries to film the LA phone-book

* The unwise purchaser of a property and hirer of the men to work on it

* The songwriter in analysis who is supposed to be the next Irving Berlin and pays his therapist with songs

* What to the witless might sound like a brilliant idea for working up the interrelated lives of Gustav and Alma Mahler into a musical drama

Those are just the ones whose themes I can recall, and only the one about the father whose son goes to 'film camp' and has the proprietor of the camp and him raging back and forth in correspondence breaks the pattern - even there, though, the $16m distribution rights seem fine until someone else is interested in a share...

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