Thursday 26 April 2012

Royal Astonomical Society 'has no back-bone'

More views of - or before - Cambridge Film Festival 2012
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27 April

Such, at least, was - what I deem to be - the clear import of seeing RA55 OFT => RAS SOFT

Or it could be telling me that the owner / driver / registered keeper (maybe all three at once) visits the Saudi town of Rass frequently?

Maybe even a message from or to (if not both) a West Indian person (or persons) about getting angry all the time, as it appears that 'rass' denotes the bum, and, in slang, using the term then means that someone is mad (in the sense of - very - worked up*)

Or, most paranoid of all, maybe it is an allusion to the Royal Archery Society, only there no more is one than such an Armadillo Society, and it is really a front for... you've guessed it, Pierre-Laurent Aimard and all those musical goings-on at Aldeburgh (well, Snape, if one could detect such a village, hamlet, or pair of cottages, though someone must have needed that whacking great maltings!)


* John is work TUP - meaning that he is a Totally Useless Person.

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