(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)
1 March
Actually, they haven't so much re-formed as reformed, so their gig will be of a rather penitential nature, in kind memory of all those monitors (not of the scaly, four-legged variety) that they have hacked to pieces in previous 'on-stage benders' (Daily Scum).
Catch them if you can - the venue for the gig and other relevant details (such as blood-type) are available to all those who can hack into the deeply hidden treasure-chest, just waiting to be found by the lucky few at www.beatcrazedboffins.org.uk/timian...
For the hard of hearing* (you soon will be):
NB Go here for the latest!
* Surely no longer a PC phrase (i.e. only compatible with use on a Mac)?
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