Showing posts with label ball lightning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ball lightning. Show all posts

Sunday 22 April 2012

Why don't I credit sightings of UFOs?

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22 April

Not, primarily, because of the negative influence of the quality of Erich von Daniken's publications, theories and methods (which Nigel, a friend, liked looking into), but simply because I have never seen anything that I could not identify. (Likewise, with ghosts.)

Though it sounds quite dangerous (from my own teenage reading), I'd like to see ball lightning, but nothing else have I seen, flying or hovering, that wasn't an aircraft:

Having had a trial flying lesson, I know that the wing-tip on the right (five letters) has a green light (also five letters), and thus that the left wing-tip has a red one, and I have never been stuck for seeing one ofr other of these lights on something overhead - aliens in UFOs almost certainly don't feel the need to follow our terrestrial aeronautical code, and, if they do, they wouldn't be 'unidentified'.