Showing posts with label TSG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TSG. Show all posts

Monday 12 September 2011

Spoonbill revisited

More views of - or at (or before) - Cambridge Film Festival 2011
(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)

13 September

A few days back, on an inspiration, I pasted in a poem from The Spoonbill Generator (to which I was one of the collaborators), and I thought that I'd just quote from my latest comment on that posting:

With perhaps one exception, I either knew all the contributors to that particular poem personally (one of them was the person who set up The Spoonbill Generator, which I urge you to look at - I believe that I have given a link to the web-site in my posting), or I knew of them through one of those people.

If you look at the whole of TSG, there are many poems that - one way or another - did not work, but this was a good mix of writers, many of whom had (as I had) long experience of The Generator and / or had written in a collaborative vein before.

It also just happened that the poem succeeded in giving rise to a common enthusiasm. Other poems are in TSG's
Hall of Fame, and are marked out in the main listing of finished poems by five stars.

All poems were mediated through the webs-site, with each person participating - such were the rules - only able to add one line at a time, so one could think of a couplet, but never add it (except by telepathy!).

Sadly, The Generator has not been functional for some while...

Tweet away @TheAgentApsley