Showing posts with label Lawrence of Arabia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lawrence of Arabia. Show all posts

Saturday 27 October 2012

Proper Games with Film

More views of - or before - Cambridge Film Festival 2012
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27 October

Apologies for the typographical error

Replace one word in a film-title of two or more words with 'goat' to astonishing effect - no, you can't do it in a hashtag of 24 characters, but hey!

Anyway, these are the games, which I shall dedicate to Bruce Lacey as

The Lacey Games

1. Switcheroo 1 Change two letters (not necessarily in the same word), to comic effect, in a film-title.

2. Subversion Invent a short, ironic sub-title that deflates the pomposity of a film's claims for itself.

3. Mornington Crescent 1 Play this game with film-titles. For beginners, any film-title can be used, and play ceases on reaching Lawrence of Arabia.

4. Switcheroo 2 With a group of friends, or of elderly relatives, continue as in 1 above, changing two letters at a time until the thing is wrung out. NB It is not to comic effect merely to reverse a previous player's changed letters.

5. Encapsulation As with 2, but a witty summary of a film, which may make risqué or other improper assertions about it.

6. Mornington Crescent 2 Limit the choice of film-titles to those of one specified director, actor and actress. End on Midnight in Paris.

7. Linking Change one film-title into another by subtituting one word that yields a valid title. Continue playing with the willing until they turn unwilling or are otherwise defeated. NB For those unused to the idea of a game, the original film-title has two or more words.

Probably a few more will follow soon...