Showing posts with label 1 March 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1 March 2012. Show all posts

Friday 9 March 2012

Can I get…?*

More views of - or before - Cambridge Film Festival 2012
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10 March

What is this bloody rubbish?! Since when have we said this in this country, rather than I’d like… or (though it is closer) Could I have…?, but it’s the subjunctive ‘could’, not ‘can’.

Yet I will freely admit that asking questions in the form ‘May I…?’ is a dinosaur, and the only person whom I know to use it (and who also uses ‘whom’ when it’s appropriate) is Russian, but that is, it must be said, what I was brought up to say: May I hit you on the nose – right now?.

Some put-downs that those in the so-called hospitality business** might find helpful:

Q Can I get a bottle of beer and some dry-roasted nuts?

A Depends on how long your arms are, mate – and whether I stop you!

Q Can I get---?

A Yes, you can ‘get’ – get stuffed!


* Thankfully, this isn't topical, as it has been 'hanging around' since Thursday 1 March, which is what seems to happen when blogging isn't done straight into the on-line box (but in some Word document, supposedly for posting later).

** It’ll be called an industry yet – no, I mean a factory, as some idiots have already decided that it is an industry (heavy or light?).