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21 May
If you start a song, both will quickly determine that they want you to stop, but the judge might even possess a good singing voice
One holds court and puts everyone else in their place, whereas the other fits hearing the case in around having a good lunch
When two judges meet socially, they talk about the latest play or film, and so do the celebrities, but bitching about who undeservedly got the role that they should have had
With a judge, that is the person who hears a case at trial, whereas the t.v. celebrity is just a case of being a trial to hear
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A bid to give expression to my view of the breadth and depth of one of Cambridge's gems, the Cambridge Film Festival, and what goes on there (including not just the odd passing comment on films and events, but also material more in the nature of a short review (up to 500 words), which will then be posted in the reviews for that film on the Official web-site).
Happy and peaceful viewing!
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Saturday, 19 May 2012
What did Jesus teach about bluebells ? (2)
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20 May
Continuing the sketchy piece that was What did Jesus teach about bluebells ? (1), it can now be revealed that:
* We have learnt, from the recently discovered Garden-Centre Scrolls, that in the early days - perhaps misconstruing something that Jesus once said or did - followers of his teaching each started carrying around a pot of earth in which had been planted a clump of bluebells
* Since bluebells, in common with many plants, not only have (as The Book of Ecclesiastes¹ advises²) a season for flowering, but also tend to prefer shade, the meaning of the gesture - whatever could have been intended - was not, let us say, always apparent from the display in the pot
* Rationalizing it all, the pots were done away with, and emblems - or badges - depicting a flowering bluebell (or three) took their place
* Some say that, with the version with three bluebells, The Trinity was represented (although any theology of Three in One³ was not formulated until centuries later)
* It could just as easily have been any one of The Holy Family, a prefiguring of Peter's denials, or the women, numbering at least three, who were called Mary
* No more than this is known (until I trouble to make something else up, of course)
¹ Parts of many works, in imitation of The Bible, have been called books, but do we know why they are so called? (Greek biblios)
² However, those who do not know it, should not construe this reference to imply that it is a pre-Christian gardening manual.
³ Which has also, curiously, long been a motto for a type of oil for use on bicycles. (Whatever oil one uses, and however one seeks to avoid getting it on one's clothes, the former's contact with the latter is almost always inimical to any attractiveness or cleanliness that they might have, besides which the odour of the oil is both unmistakable and largely ineradicable.)
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(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)
20 May
Continuing the sketchy piece that was What did Jesus teach about bluebells ? (1), it can now be revealed that:
* We have learnt, from the recently discovered Garden-Centre Scrolls, that in the early days - perhaps misconstruing something that Jesus once said or did - followers of his teaching each started carrying around a pot of earth in which had been planted a clump of bluebells
* Since bluebells, in common with many plants, not only have (as The Book of Ecclesiastes¹ advises²) a season for flowering, but also tend to prefer shade, the meaning of the gesture - whatever could have been intended - was not, let us say, always apparent from the display in the pot
* Rationalizing it all, the pots were done away with, and emblems - or badges - depicting a flowering bluebell (or three) took their place
* Some say that, with the version with three bluebells, The Trinity was represented (although any theology of Three in One³ was not formulated until centuries later)
* It could just as easily have been any one of The Holy Family, a prefiguring of Peter's denials, or the women, numbering at least three, who were called Mary
* No more than this is known (until I trouble to make something else up, of course)
¹ Parts of many works, in imitation of The Bible, have been called books, but do we know why they are so called? (Greek biblios)
² However, those who do not know it, should not construe this reference to imply that it is a pre-Christian gardening manual.
³ Which has also, curiously, long been a motto for a type of oil for use on bicycles. (Whatever oil one uses, and however one seeks to avoid getting it on one's clothes, the former's contact with the latter is almost always inimical to any attractiveness or cleanliness that they might have, besides which the odour of the oil is both unmistakable and largely ineradicable.)
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Thursday, 17 May 2012
Twitter® is old hat*
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18 May
We keep reinventing the telegram, first with text-messages, and then with what is fondly thought of as a revolution in communications, this whole Twatter Splatter, where all these messages are generated to divert from the reality that, in just tens of years, it'll all be going on, if at all, with none of the same personnel.
But the truth is simply this: back in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, Shakespeare had to pitch every new idea for a play in the tweet form - give you it in just 140 characters.
The Bard could put over Hamlet like that, but Could you?**
* But most of us haven't known, since the days of Laurence Sterne, that the term refers to the female genitals.
** Cousin Marmaduke and I have since taken up my own clannege (? = challenge?) with - I think - creditable attempts by each at a major Shakespeare tragedy on Twitter: by all means do what you like with us then, but find us there!
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(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)
18 May
We keep reinventing the telegram, first with text-messages, and then with what is fondly thought of as a revolution in communications, this whole Twatter Splatter, where all these messages are generated to divert from the reality that, in just tens of years, it'll all be going on, if at all, with none of the same personnel.
But the truth is simply this: back in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, Shakespeare had to pitch every new idea for a play in the tweet form - give you it in just 140 characters.
The Bard could put over Hamlet like that, but Could you?**
* But most of us haven't known, since the days of Laurence Sterne, that the term refers to the female genitals.
** Cousin Marmaduke and I have since taken up my own clannege (? = challenge?) with - I think - creditable attempts by each at a major Shakespeare tragedy on Twitter: by all means do what you like with us then, but find us there!
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Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Kym Marsh rocks skimpy LBD (according to AOL®)
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15 May
It is possible, though I doubt it (it is the whole point of this postlet), that LBD is a recognized term of art in these tinsel teasers on sign-on pages. (Remember the one, a few issues back, that reported Lorraine Kelly tumbling from her horse, whereas a newspaper had reported the story at least a fortnight earlier - not so much breaking news as breaking new ground for peddling old tat!)
For those not initiated (right trouser leg rolled up, etc.), I shall not spell it out*, though I was probably helped - when appeared words appeared to be missing in the headline - by the image below, because that would spoil the Fun of Who Is In The Know, i.e. who is manipulated into using some stupid expression or contraction, but merely continue with my would-be contentious proposition:
Is this a WAG** in the making, or an MCD (to refer gratuitously, for the sake of cross-pollination, to Pork and beef on the same plate) - what some might call a defining moment, when that unhelpful term is contracted to its initials?
Although many acronyms (and some contractions) are no easier to say than the original text, are we heading for A Contracting Universe (ACU)?:
With LSL, she skipped down the catwalk in an LBD, courtesy of NBC, and, after a VAC, went home for a NLS
* Though 'skimpy' is already part and parcel of the 'L' of LBD. More asutute readers may surmise, then, that it does not represent London Bomb Disposal, Lesotho Bisexual Dilettantes, or Liverpool Ballroom-Dancing.
** An amazing acronym, not only because the words 'and' merits a letter of its own (after all, it was WMD, not WOMD (which might have been mistaken for WOMB, I guess)), but also two categories of women in a relationship (with a man) are brusquely yanked together!
In fact, though celebrities are not, of course, unfaithful or promiscuous, X's WAG could also be (in the other capacity) Y's WAG - KK, for example, is shown dating other men when, as far as I am aware, the man whom she married, and who alleged just weeks after that she had not been sincere in marrying him, has not yet been announced to have divorced her.
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(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)
15 May
It is possible, though I doubt it (it is the whole point of this postlet), that LBD is a recognized term of art in these tinsel teasers on sign-on pages. (Remember the one, a few issues back, that reported Lorraine Kelly tumbling from her horse, whereas a newspaper had reported the story at least a fortnight earlier - not so much breaking news as breaking new ground for peddling old tat!)
For those not initiated (right trouser leg rolled up, etc.), I shall not spell it out*, though I was probably helped - when appeared words appeared to be missing in the headline - by the image below, because that would spoil the Fun of Who Is In The Know, i.e. who is manipulated into using some stupid expression or contraction, but merely continue with my would-be contentious proposition:
Is this a WAG** in the making, or an MCD (to refer gratuitously, for the sake of cross-pollination, to Pork and beef on the same plate) - what some might call a defining moment, when that unhelpful term is contracted to its initials?
Although many acronyms (and some contractions) are no easier to say than the original text, are we heading for A Contracting Universe (ACU)?:
With LSL, she skipped down the catwalk in an LBD, courtesy of NBC, and, after a VAC, went home for a NLS
* Though 'skimpy' is already part and parcel of the 'L' of LBD. More asutute readers may surmise, then, that it does not represent London Bomb Disposal, Lesotho Bisexual Dilettantes, or Liverpool Ballroom-Dancing.
** An amazing acronym, not only because the words 'and' merits a letter of its own (after all, it was WMD, not WOMD (which might have been mistaken for WOMB, I guess)), but also two categories of women in a relationship (with a man) are brusquely yanked together!
In fact, though celebrities are not, of course, unfaithful or promiscuous, X's WAG could also be (in the other capacity) Y's WAG - KK, for example, is shown dating other men when, as far as I am aware, the man whom she married, and who alleged just weeks after that she had not been sincere in marrying him, has not yet been announced to have divorced her.
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Monday, 14 May 2012
The motto of Cambridge Drawing Society
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15 May 2012
It would be much funnier to have a Drawling Society, where you could hear a good Jimmy Stewart or even Tom Hanks (as a modern-style Drawler), but we have what we have.
A few things puzzle me about its recent publicity material:
* It begins by saying 'Art Exhibition / At the Guildhall / Cambridge Drawing Society / 1882 - 2008', but I cannot construe the dates, which appear to suggest that the Society has been disbanded several years earlier: overleaf, we are told, no more helpfully, that members 'are proud to maintain the century-long tradition of annual exhibitions in Cambridge'*
* The motto of the Society (at the top of that side) is given as Nulla dies sine linea
* Even if one could misconstrue dies as in apposition to lives**, not as a Latin word that is probably best known from Carpe diem (a phrase re-energed by that otherwise regrettable vehicle for the largely regrettable Robin Williams), it is clear enough what it means
* So to render it Draw a line every day oddly turns it into an instruction, when the Latin is clearly a statement, and, to my mind wrongly, focuses attention on the act of drawing, whereas the sentiment is one about time and of maintaining a habit, day to day, and one has to infer that line is to be made***
* The flyer directs us to Apelles, quoting a story about him that, maybe, I searched long enough to find, but hiding behind pictures in his shop-window to hear comments from passers-by, amongst the many anecdotes and accounts of him and his great technical skill (as no work of his survives the intervening 23 centuries (and we do not know definitely, except by reference to his having been said to be at the court of Philip of Macedon, when he lived), does not seem the best to have chosen to illustrate the motto****
* It seems that Pliny who is the so-called Elder is a major source for knowledge and appreciation of the abilities of Apelles, since we cannot see them displayed in any work: writing around the time of Christ, he would have spoken Latin, but I doubt that the motto, if authentic, would have been in anything other than Greek originally (Apelles is said to have been from the Greek island of Kos)
* It, too, expands the text, but what the Wikipedia® entry gives as a translation is, all in all, more accurate: Not a day without a line drawn
You never know, it could also apply to blog postings!
* Actually, for what it is worth, I overlooked this comment: The first public exhibition took place in 1906 in the old Guildhall.
** As one teacher of English was said to have done with the Beckettt title Malone Dies.
*** The Wikipedia® entry goes into detail about a cobbler, one of whose comments (about how a shoe had been painted) Apelles heeded and remedied the mistakes, but whose subsequent comment about a leg earnt him a rude and surprising rebuff from the hidden painter.
**** Not least not to introduce, as if in a non-sequitur, the observation that visitors can write comments in a book, and vote for their favourite picture
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(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)
15 May 2012
It would be much funnier to have a Drawling Society, where you could hear a good Jimmy Stewart or even Tom Hanks (as a modern-style Drawler), but we have what we have.
A few things puzzle me about its recent publicity material:
* It begins by saying 'Art Exhibition / At the Guildhall / Cambridge Drawing Society / 1882 - 2008', but I cannot construe the dates, which appear to suggest that the Society has been disbanded several years earlier: overleaf, we are told, no more helpfully, that members 'are proud to maintain the century-long tradition of annual exhibitions in Cambridge'*
* The motto of the Society (at the top of that side) is given as Nulla dies sine linea
* Even if one could misconstrue dies as in apposition to lives**, not as a Latin word that is probably best known from Carpe diem (a phrase re-energed by that otherwise regrettable vehicle for the largely regrettable Robin Williams), it is clear enough what it means
* So to render it Draw a line every day oddly turns it into an instruction, when the Latin is clearly a statement, and, to my mind wrongly, focuses attention on the act of drawing, whereas the sentiment is one about time and of maintaining a habit, day to day, and one has to infer that line is to be made***
* The flyer directs us to Apelles, quoting a story about him that, maybe, I searched long enough to find, but hiding behind pictures in his shop-window to hear comments from passers-by, amongst the many anecdotes and accounts of him and his great technical skill (as no work of his survives the intervening 23 centuries (and we do not know definitely, except by reference to his having been said to be at the court of Philip of Macedon, when he lived), does not seem the best to have chosen to illustrate the motto****
* It seems that Pliny who is the so-called Elder is a major source for knowledge and appreciation of the abilities of Apelles, since we cannot see them displayed in any work: writing around the time of Christ, he would have spoken Latin, but I doubt that the motto, if authentic, would have been in anything other than Greek originally (Apelles is said to have been from the Greek island of Kos)
* It, too, expands the text, but what the Wikipedia® entry gives as a translation is, all in all, more accurate: Not a day without a line drawn
You never know, it could also apply to blog postings!
* Actually, for what it is worth, I overlooked this comment: The first public exhibition took place in 1906 in the old Guildhall.
** As one teacher of English was said to have done with the Beckettt title Malone Dies.
*** The Wikipedia® entry goes into detail about a cobbler, one of whose comments (about how a shoe had been painted) Apelles heeded and remedied the mistakes, but whose subsequent comment about a leg earnt him a rude and surprising rebuff from the hidden painter.
**** Not least not to introduce, as if in a non-sequitur, the observation that visitors can write comments in a book, and vote for their favourite picture
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Indecent haste?
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14 May
Ever wondered why all sorts of biographies (whenever they were written) seem to be in the bookshops so quickly after this or that prominent person's death?
Well, for one thing I think that it is to try to capitalize on the moment, and we must all surely know, at some level, that - death being a certainty - many newspaper obituaries have been prepared and are kept ready for the next edition after the subject's death in which they will appear.
Just imagine that someone, a bit like the guy who (on a machine that moulds the plastic) makes the piece that you take off the back of your phone to get the battery out and change the SIM card, has the job of maintaining a library, archive or database of these pre-written death-notes, and others of writing, refining and updating them!
For another, a person's death marks the beginning of open season in the UK: alive, that person could claim that his or her character has been defamed by what you wrote or said, but, rightly or wrongly, the law of England and Wales says that the right to defend one's character dies with the person who possessed it. (Some other claims can be brought (or continued) by a person's estate after one's death, but one for libel or slander can no longer be commenced.) As I have said, open season - and all the competition in the world to get to press ahead of with this or that juicy anecdote or revelation.
It may not just have been weeks apart, though it seemed like it, that, hard on the heels of the death of Samuel Barclay Beckettt, Cronin and Knowlson's competing chunky books (one approved by the Beckettt estate, but I forget which) joined the only one thitherto, Deirdre Bair's from the 1970s, to make three.
What I wonder is this, because I am not aware that any other title with such pretensions (come to think of it, both titles are, actually, pretty pretentious) has appeared since: if the publishers had not raced to produce their authors' view of Becekettt, would we have a better or different one from the one only now starting to emerge with the publication of the second volume of his letters?
Is all this just inevitable, or would those books, if not available so seemingly soon after 22 December 1989, have benefited from the delay? I should, I guess, look to see if they have been reissued in a revised or new edition, but maybe you will, and let me know...
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14 May
Ever wondered why all sorts of biographies (whenever they were written) seem to be in the bookshops so quickly after this or that prominent person's death?
Well, for one thing I think that it is to try to capitalize on the moment, and we must all surely know, at some level, that - death being a certainty - many newspaper obituaries have been prepared and are kept ready for the next edition after the subject's death in which they will appear.
Just imagine that someone, a bit like the guy who (on a machine that moulds the plastic) makes the piece that you take off the back of your phone to get the battery out and change the SIM card, has the job of maintaining a library, archive or database of these pre-written death-notes, and others of writing, refining and updating them!
For another, a person's death marks the beginning of open season in the UK: alive, that person could claim that his or her character has been defamed by what you wrote or said, but, rightly or wrongly, the law of England and Wales says that the right to defend one's character dies with the person who possessed it. (Some other claims can be brought (or continued) by a person's estate after one's death, but one for libel or slander can no longer be commenced.) As I have said, open season - and all the competition in the world to get to press ahead of with this or that juicy anecdote or revelation.
It may not just have been weeks apart, though it seemed like it, that, hard on the heels of the death of Samuel Barclay Beckettt, Cronin and Knowlson's competing chunky books (one approved by the Beckettt estate, but I forget which) joined the only one thitherto, Deirdre Bair's from the 1970s, to make three.
What I wonder is this, because I am not aware that any other title with such pretensions (come to think of it, both titles are, actually, pretty pretentious) has appeared since: if the publishers had not raced to produce their authors' view of Becekettt, would we have a better or different one from the one only now starting to emerge with the publication of the second volume of his letters?
Is all this just inevitable, or would those books, if not available so seemingly soon after 22 December 1989, have benefited from the delay? I should, I guess, look to see if they have been reissued in a revised or new edition, but maybe you will, and let me know...
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Sunday, 13 May 2012
What do we mean by 'an industry'?
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13 May
I have been listening, with half-an-ear, to a programme on Radio 3.
It is clear that they now talk about the heritage industry, by which they mean organizations such as The National Trust, not those consumer outlets that sell replicas of items from a previous era.
Now, I concede that the word 'factory', as used in reference to trade in India, may only have come to mean a building where something is made through the process of industrialization, but this is a little too close to contemporary, a little too much of turning everything into an industry.
We have the film industry, the porn industry, the hospitality industry, probably the industry industry, and what industrial archaeology looks at seems oddly divorced from all these usages, in its concern with engines, pumping-stations, cotton-mills, and - dare I say it - other factories.
Perhaps it will end up with a section of activity looking at these selfsame redundant meanings - or maybe already has one...
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13 May
I have been listening, with half-an-ear, to a programme on Radio 3.
It is clear that they now talk about the heritage industry, by which they mean organizations such as The National Trust, not those consumer outlets that sell replicas of items from a previous era.
Now, I concede that the word 'factory', as used in reference to trade in India, may only have come to mean a building where something is made through the process of industrialization, but this is a little too close to contemporary, a little too much of turning everything into an industry.
We have the film industry, the porn industry, the hospitality industry, probably the industry industry, and what industrial archaeology looks at seems oddly divorced from all these usages, in its concern with engines, pumping-stations, cotton-mills, and - dare I say it - other factories.
Perhaps it will end up with a section of activity looking at these selfsame redundant meanings - or maybe already has one...
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The Janet and John books
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13 May
Those of a certain age may be familiar with - the existence, at any rate, of - this pair.
If so, their names - in that order - will be as locked as Jack and Jill, but what is the appeal?
* Unlike Jack with Jill, John is courteous, and lets Janet go first
* In both cases, there is the - almost necessary to observe - catch of alliteration
* If John did go first, how would it sound, with the falling notes of 'Janet' finishing the phrase, as against the ruggedness of John, a syllable that one has to go out of one's way to prolong, and which provides a solid close?
* But what about Jason, Janet and Jason?: if we could delve into the minds - or, better still, working papers - of those who designed these books, what prejudices about class or even perceived sexual orientation might have militated against Jason
Paula and Peter, anybody...?
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(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)
13 May
Those of a certain age may be familiar with - the existence, at any rate, of - this pair.
If so, their names - in that order - will be as locked as Jack and Jill, but what is the appeal?
* Unlike Jack with Jill, John is courteous, and lets Janet go first
* In both cases, there is the - almost necessary to observe - catch of alliteration
* If John did go first, how would it sound, with the falling notes of 'Janet' finishing the phrase, as against the ruggedness of John, a syllable that one has to go out of one's way to prolong, and which provides a solid close?
* But what about Jason, Janet and Jason?: if we could delve into the minds - or, better still, working papers - of those who designed these books, what prejudices about class or even perceived sexual orientation might have militated against Jason
Paula and Peter, anybody...?
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Saturday, 12 May 2012
I was once (nearly) a steward at Cambridge Wordfest... (3)
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13 May
Of course, come the full Spring Wordfest (13 - 15 April), I received my reward:
* First pick of which four- to five-hour stewarding slot I wanted to fill, which meant that, by being present at three events in a row, I could guarantee hearing those speakers who most interested me
* Two complimentary admissions to events when off duty
* Free tea and coffee at the bar
* Extra discount on items boought from the Wordfest book-stall
* A refund of around £9.00 to reflect my travel expenses on the night of the 'wasted' training last year
Or maybe that is what would have been nice to be offered, rather than just sent an unitemized amount that did not even compensate me for not hearing the speakers at the events in my shift, and getting to go free into those during the rest of the day that had not sold out
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13 May
Of course, come the full Spring Wordfest (13 - 15 April), I received my reward:
* First pick of which four- to five-hour stewarding slot I wanted to fill, which meant that, by being present at three events in a row, I could guarantee hearing those speakers who most interested me
* Two complimentary admissions to events when off duty
* Free tea and coffee at the bar
* Extra discount on items boought from the Wordfest book-stall
* A refund of around £9.00 to reflect my travel expenses on the night of the 'wasted' training last year
Or maybe that is what would have been nice to be offered, rather than just sent an unitemized amount that did not even compensate me for not hearing the speakers at the events in my shift, and getting to go free into those during the rest of the day that had not sold out
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Monday, 7 May 2012
Video: Kim Kardashian shows off beach body
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7 May
Another meaningless phrase!
Not 'Kim Kardashian', which denotes something, but 'beach body':
Does KK have a different body, when at breakfast (probably in a bikini just at the moment, since she is pictured in Mexico), only employing this one at the beach - a bit like a stunt or body double?
The clothes that she may wear for Cancún, lunch at the Bowery, and the red carpet may differ, but, hour to hour, I suspect that it is the same body, just as it is for that infamous photograph of Daniel Craig at the seaside, or even the likes of Neil Kinnock stumbling on the shingle, or for the gaga lady.
As for Kim, when she appeared with fewer clothes still in Playboy, what sort of body was that, by this 'beach body' reckoning? A glamour body, bimbo body, or unbashful body?
(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)
7 May
Another meaningless phrase!
Not 'Kim Kardashian', which denotes something, but 'beach body':
Does KK have a different body, when at breakfast (probably in a bikini just at the moment, since she is pictured in Mexico), only employing this one at the beach - a bit like a stunt or body double?
The clothes that she may wear for Cancún, lunch at the Bowery, and the red carpet may differ, but, hour to hour, I suspect that it is the same body, just as it is for that infamous photograph of Daniel Craig at the seaside, or even the likes of Neil Kinnock stumbling on the shingle, or for the gaga lady.
As for Kim, when she appeared with fewer clothes still in Playboy, what sort of body was that, by this 'beach body' reckoning? A glamour body, bimbo body, or unbashful body?
Pork and beef on the same plate
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7 May
According to the BSE* story (which some may remember: that health-scare before the next one brightened our days), what was supposed to everyone who had ever eaten a burger - and befell only the unlucky few who developed CJD - was the result of mixing pork and beef.
I can still think of few places where they meet - or where a T-bone steak could have a bone - except: certain sausages, a mixed grill, and those carveries where one can have (usually by paying slightly more**) lamb, beef, turkey, and pork (or some subset thereof) for one's roast meal.
* Of course, our press and t.v. being what they are, the abbreviation of a scientific term to BSE wasn't good enough, and we had to have mad cow disease instead as their preferred term. (I used to abbreviate it to MCD.)
** One such place used to call it The Full Monty.
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(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)
7 May
According to the BSE* story (which some may remember: that health-scare before the next one brightened our days), what was supposed to everyone who had ever eaten a burger - and befell only the unlucky few who developed CJD - was the result of mixing pork and beef.
I can still think of few places where they meet - or where a T-bone steak could have a bone - except: certain sausages, a mixed grill, and those carveries where one can have (usually by paying slightly more**) lamb, beef, turkey, and pork (or some subset thereof) for one's roast meal.
* Of course, our press and t.v. being what they are, the abbreviation of a scientific term to BSE wasn't good enough, and we had to have mad cow disease instead as their preferred term. (I used to abbreviate it to MCD.)
** One such place used to call it The Full Monty.
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mad cow disease,
mixed grill,
T-bone steak,
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Setting what text to music?
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7 May
Well, I have heard, in the last week, Mark Padmore's choice of a text, which Jonathan Dove turned out to end up setting several years later, and now more in the collaboration between Jim Tomlinson, Stacey Kent and Kazuo Ishiguro in a song (to whose words the link takes you) called Postcard Lovers.
Honestly, I cannot feel that either poem was worth the attention, and it puts me in mind again of writing about Elgar putting together his own libretto for The Apostles...
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7 May
Well, I have heard, in the last week, Mark Padmore's choice of a text, which Jonathan Dove turned out to end up setting several years later, and now more in the collaboration between Jim Tomlinson, Stacey Kent and Kazuo Ishiguro in a song (to whose words the link takes you) called Postcard Lovers.
Honestly, I cannot feel that either poem was worth the attention, and it puts me in mind again of writing about Elgar putting together his own libretto for The Apostles...
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Russia ahead in this blog's Top Ten
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6 May
In terms of page-views, Russia is now well ahead of the UK [now updated on 18 May]
1,191 Russia [1,480]
866 United Kingdom [889]
579 United States [625]
116 Germany [117]
53 Brazil [55]
43 Ukraine [46]
36 Australia
32 France
27 The Netherlands
18 Japan
And page-views since The Agent began all this Unofficial Cambridge Film Festival business?
Well, 3,333 of course!
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6 May
In terms of page-views, Russia is now well ahead of the UK [now updated on 18 May]
1,191 Russia [1,480]
866 United Kingdom [889]
579 United States [625]
116 Germany [117]
53 Brazil [55]
43 Ukraine [46]
36 Australia
32 France
27 The Netherlands
18 Japan
And page-views since The Agent began all this Unofficial Cambridge Film Festival business?
Well, 3,333 of course!
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What Paul Said to Whom and Why
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6 May
Perfect for all churches, congregations, chosen and cults - bulk ordering advised!
Those who care to preorder this title (as, according to Amazon®, the word has it), can do so at in the knowledge that, whether it is a gift for others or for themselves, they will make someone very happy.
Buy 10 copies and receive just eight - NB limited offer
If you don't know Tahiti, I'd be very glad - for a fee - to show you around...
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6 May
Perfect for all churches, congregations, chosen and cults - bulk ordering advised!
Paul's Epistle to the Swedish
Those who care to preorder this title (as, according to Amazon®, the word has it), can do so at in the knowledge that, whether it is a gift for others or for themselves, they will make someone very happy.
Buy 10 copies and receive just eight - NB limited offer
If you don't know Tahiti, I'd be very glad - for a fee - to show you around...
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Saturday, 5 May 2012
Pasta made from durum wheat
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5 May
Perhaps we have become accustomed to this assertion
I don't doubt its truth, but - except through familiarity with the fact that pasta-packets usually make it - I have no notion what it means (and so wonder whether that might be true of most of us), any more than if it stated, with just as much specificity*, made from wheat grown in Co. Durham (or in Dumbartonshire).
Unrelatedly, a woman from The Czech Republic** gave my parents what my mother called 'a peck on the cheek' - not spotting that it could have been descrbed as a Czech on the peak, if they had been on an eminence.
And what about the word surreal (or even surrealist)? I do have to agree with what was mentioned in passing yesterday in that day's issue of The Guardian***:
'I feel the word "surreal" has been totally overused as a fancy word for weird'
For, having read a fellow writer's piece about surrealism in films, which was pegged almost entirely (for factual basis) on the well-known collaboration that was Hitchcock / Dalà (and with scant, if any, mention of the other collaboration, Buñuel / DalÃ****, or of the former's significant career as a director), I despaired at what the author went on to identify as evidence of surrealism in more modern (but mainstream) cinematic works.
That said, there seems to be as little chance of stopping misuse of this word***** - so carefully employed to be in opposition to the boring or bourgeois - as of its beleaguered friends random, manic, psychotic, and (surely not for want of anything better to say) like.
* A word that - I am led to believe that - T. S. Eliot, if he did not revel in it, used more than others did.
** My mother and father both resolutely, because instinctively, used the name Czechoslovakia in telling more about this woman.
*** g2, p. 8.
**** If Dalà is to be believed, that should be Dalà / Buñuel, but, it any case, they gave us, of course, A Dog and a Toilet (amongst other things).
***** Except, of course, by seeking to impose a totalitarian regime (one with a competent secret police!).
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5 May
Perhaps we have become accustomed to this assertion
I don't doubt its truth, but - except through familiarity with the fact that pasta-packets usually make it - I have no notion what it means (and so wonder whether that might be true of most of us), any more than if it stated, with just as much specificity*, made from wheat grown in Co. Durham (or in Dumbartonshire).
Unrelatedly, a woman from The Czech Republic** gave my parents what my mother called 'a peck on the cheek' - not spotting that it could have been descrbed as a Czech on the peak, if they had been on an eminence.
And what about the word surreal (or even surrealist)? I do have to agree with what was mentioned in passing yesterday in that day's issue of The Guardian***:
'I feel the word "surreal" has been totally overused as a fancy word for weird'
For, having read a fellow writer's piece about surrealism in films, which was pegged almost entirely (for factual basis) on the well-known collaboration that was Hitchcock / Dalà (and with scant, if any, mention of the other collaboration, Buñuel / DalÃ****, or of the former's significant career as a director), I despaired at what the author went on to identify as evidence of surrealism in more modern (but mainstream) cinematic works.
That said, there seems to be as little chance of stopping misuse of this word***** - so carefully employed to be in opposition to the boring or bourgeois - as of its beleaguered friends random, manic, psychotic, and (surely not for want of anything better to say) like.
* A word that - I am led to believe that - T. S. Eliot, if he did not revel in it, used more than others did.
** My mother and father both resolutely, because instinctively, used the name Czechoslovakia in telling more about this woman.
*** g2, p. 8.
**** If Dalà is to be believed, that should be Dalà / Buñuel, but, it any case, they gave us, of course, A Dog and a Toilet (amongst other things).
***** Except, of course, by seeking to impose a totalitarian regime (one with a competent secret police!).
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Thursday, 3 May 2012
The Dave-ings of an Arranged Mind (2)
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4 May
[Very much] following on[, going forward,] from the first piece [of its kind] in this series - which is no more one for having the same title than constituents of many a t.v. series - here are more [random] jottings that nevertheless cohere (or do they?)
What do all or any of the items in this list have in common (if anything)?:
1. Frank Key
2. The Florida Keys
3. Sarah's Key
4. Gonville & Caius
5. Frankie Goes to Hollywood
6. St Peter
7. Sara Keays
8. Key to the door
9. Major Keys
11. Sarah Keay
12. Alicia Keys
13. Aldous Huxley
By all means submit your answers - on a postcard only* - whilst waiting my inventing some...
* Submissions (or falls) by any of the following means will, in especial, be harhsly punished:
psychic transmission
Zen's Reunited
smoke-signals from St Peter's
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4 May
[Very much] following on[, going forward,] from the first piece [of its kind] in this series - which is no more one for having the same title than constituents of many a t.v. series - here are more [random] jottings that nevertheless cohere (or do they?)
What do all or any of the items in this list have in common (if anything)?:
1. Frank Key
2. The Florida Keys
3. Sarah's Key
4. Gonville & Caius
5. Frankie Goes to Hollywood
6. St Peter
7. Sara Keays
8. Key to the door
9. Major Keys
11. Sarah Keay
12. Alicia Keys
13. Aldous Huxley
By all means submit your answers - on a postcard only* - whilst waiting my inventing some...
* Submissions (or falls) by any of the following means will, in especial, be harhsly punished:
psychic transmission
Zen's Reunited
smoke-signals from St Peter's
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Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Tally for the day
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2 May
So far, Haydn pronounced as if he were Charlie Haden, and an Agnus Dei that sounded like Agnes Day*
Naming no Radio 3 names, but, respectively, before Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 this evening, and during this afternoon's episode of Arvo Pärt Total Immersion
* Not as bad as it could have been - Angus Deayton, anyone?
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2 May
So far, Haydn pronounced as if he were Charlie Haden, and an Agnus Dei that sounded like Agnes Day*
Naming no Radio 3 names, but, respectively, before Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 this evening, and during this afternoon's episode of Arvo Pärt Total Immersion
* Not as bad as it could have been - Angus Deayton, anyone?
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Trout-fishing in Essex
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3 May
Sorry, I keep getting that one confused with Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011), for a screening of which on Thursday afternoon I have a ticket: worryingly, if only for the publicity employed by the film's distibutors, searching for it on Google® by typing in just Yemen brings up no immediate results.
We shall see, and at least it's not
* Fishing for Cod Russian in the Quietly Flowing Don
* Dolphin Fishing in the English Channel
* Tuna Hunting in my Kitchen Cupboard
* or even Catching Red Snappers in the Bedroom
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3 May
Sorry, I keep getting that one confused with Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011), for a screening of which on Thursday afternoon I have a ticket: worryingly, if only for the publicity employed by the film's distibutors, searching for it on Google® by typing in just Yemen brings up no immediate results.
We shall see, and at least it's not
* Fishing for Cod Russian in the Quietly Flowing Don
* Dolphin Fishing in the English Channel
* Tuna Hunting in my Kitchen Cupboard
* or even Catching Red Snappers in the Bedroom
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All a-titter
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2 May
Cousin Marmaduke has just - according to your preference - twittered, tweeted or twat - again, according to your preference - about, concerning or regarding* drugs offered to him by Barney Strong:
It seems that - word is on the street - they will, if he takes them, 'wake the beast' in him
But he's never liked Mark Rylance that much**, so why would he want to?!
* Not to mention 'anent' or 'abune'.
** And hated La Bête.
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2 May
Cousin Marmaduke has just - according to your preference - twittered, tweeted or twat - again, according to your preference - about, concerning or regarding* drugs offered to him by Barney Strong:
It seems that - word is on the street - they will, if he takes them, 'wake the beast' in him
But he's never liked Mark Rylance that much**, so why would he want to?!
* Not to mention 'anent' or 'abune'.
** And hated La Bête.
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Medium* comment: TULISA CROWNED WORLD'S SEXIEST WOMAN (according to AOL®)
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2 May
As I am sure that the authors of this item well know (i.e. it is tongue in cheek, but in such a way as to appear 'dumb'), this caption to the headline is an absolute non-sequitur:
Singer proves that sex tape scandal hasn't hit her popularity
No, and nor, with any relevant electorate, would circulation - and even rating - of the said tape**! (I wonder if it has an entry on IMDb...)
** According to AOL® (again) on 4 May, Amanda Holden told Alan Carr that she watched it.
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2 May
As I am sure that the authors of this item well know (i.e. it is tongue in cheek, but in such a way as to appear 'dumb'), this caption to the headline is an absolute non-sequitur:
Singer proves that sex tape scandal hasn't hit her popularity
No, and nor, with any relevant electorate, would circulation - and even rating - of the said tape**! (I wonder if it has an entry on IMDb...)
* As opposed to media.
** According to AOL® (again) on 4 May, Amanda Holden told Alan Carr that she watched it.
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