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27 April
Well, first we have to ask what they have in common:
They will both (usually) pretend that they know what they are talking about...
Until - or even after - it becomes blindingly obvious that they don't, or that they should - e.g. the famous query Who is Gazza?
What's the difference between overstepping the line with a judge and with a t.v. celebrity?
The judge will just send you to jail for 30 days, but with the celebrity you are, to put it crudely, fucked - 30 days' worth in one night
As an unnamed person suggested to me by way of a riposte yesterday, how about?
And, of course, one may look good in a wig as you go down - and the other's a judge
Or even:Well, one, wearing stockings and suspenders, whips you, telling you that you've been a naughty boy (or girl) - and the other is a t.v. celebrity
Not to mention:One likes silk, one may have taken it, but neither admits to liking magnolia in a silk finish
Let alone:
One gives you a sentence you cannot believe that you'll finish, the other one that you know that he - or she - cannot finish
As to 'not finishing', there is no polish on them, but there's now
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