Sunday 22 April 2012

Stars hoping to do well in the 26.2m race include Nell McAndrew (according to AOL®)

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22 April

Not engaging my anyway tired brain, I puzzled over whether a 26.2m race was the metric equivalent of the 100 yds*, until I spotted the word Snickers®, I mean Marathon, in the main headline***.

In any case, do I mistake, or has Nell changed a bit since last seen?


* Fortunately, it would be over before it began, so no scope for celebruty** blisters or sprained ankles.

** Sic: one view is that they all Brutes and Beasts, seeking to charm us - with their emperors' and empresses' new clothes - into believing that they are Beauties.

*** Or do I mean headlie****?

**** Or even headlice?


  1. Had to tweet this. I ride when I can – but will have to do this all next week. More people certainly should.

  2. My suspicion is that, if you feel the need to do something with Twitter, it is best done.

    As to 'riding', I am inescapably reminded of the bottle of The Village Bike (a local, award-winning brew) that I drank last night. (As most beers are, even the bottle-conditioned ones, it is better from the cask.)

    I shall attempt to capture the image from the label, and see what sort of riding others think is involved...

